The Teaching Staff

Zagatova Saule Bazylovna

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philological  Science
Scientific, academic title: Professor
Education: The S.Seifullin Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute, 1976, specialty: «The French Language».
1985-1990 – the scientific probation period, post-graduate course in the Moscow State Institute of Foreign languages named after M.Torez;
In 1990 she defended the Candidate dissertation on specialty: 10.02.05 – The Roman Languages.
The awards: the Badge “Excellent Worker of Education o f the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the Badge of the Certificate of Merit of the MES of RK, the holder of the state Grant “The Best Teacher of a Higher Institution”.
List of scientific and scientific methodological works: the total number – 86, incuding:

  1. Valuable Attitude to Foreign Culture//Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Urgent Issues of Science”. – Moscow, 2011. – P.61-65.
  2. The English Teachers’ Handbook, Astana: EAGI, 2012.- 74 p. (Methodological Aid,  co-author: Shaimukanova R.K.).
  3. Psychological problems of Translation//Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education, No.4, 2014. – P.41-44.
  4. Ways of translating the segmented constructions (on the materials of the French language)// The Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute.-No.3, 2015. – P. 128-132.
  5. The Latin language for Humanitarian specialties (Methodological Aid). – Astana: EAGI, 2015.-227 p. (co-author: Koghovich S.D.)

Field of scientific research: Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Theory and Practice of Translation, Linguodidactics.
Professional achievements:
2013 — the International scientific methodological seminar “A contemporary teacher in the contemporary world” under the Kazakhstani Branch of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov;
2014 — the summer school in philology “Urgent problems of Linguistics, Literature Studies and Translation Studies”- under the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2014 — the refresher course on the theory of Language under the supervision of Professor L.P. Selimsky (Bulgaria) – under the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2014 — the course of lectures “The Cognitive Aspect of the Contrastive Linguistics” under the supervision of Professor N.F. Flefirenko (Russia) – under the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2015 — the international scientific methodological seminar”Urgent Problems of Foreign Philology and Linguodidactics” – under the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2015 — scientific-methodological seminar: «Theorie und Praxis einer innovativen Methodologie des Deutschunteuuichtes» under the supervision of the international expert Yoness Shtikel (Germany);
2011-2015 — seminars in Methods of Teaching the French Language – The French Alliance under the Ambassy of France in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana.

Abylova Gulnar Yerezhepovna

Scientific, academic Degree: Candidate of Philological Science
Scientific, academic title: Docent
Education: The International Kazakh-Turkish University named H.A.Yassavy, 2001, specialty: “The Kazakh Language and Literature”. In 2010 she defended the Candidate Dissertation on specialty: 10.02.19 — Theory of Language.
List of scientific and scientific methodological works: The total number — 25, including:
1. «Адам–Заман–Табиғат» үштігіндегі дүниенің поэтикалық бейнесі (ХҮ-ХҮІІІ ғасырлардағы ақын-жыраулар шығармалары бойынша) // Materials of the International conference The Turkic civilization and the Independent Kazakhstan” devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence RK. Vol.І (А-Й) edited by Sh.Ibrayev. – Аstana, 2011. – P.54-59.
2. Дүниенің поэтикалық бейнесіндегі «Адам – Заман – Табиғат» үштігін құрайтын концептілердің ерекшеліктері // Materials of the International scientific-theoretical conference «Ер Едіге және Алтын Орда мемлекеті тұсындағы билер институтының маңыздылығы». – Turkestan, 2011.
3. Онгин, Күллі-чор және Мойын-чұр ескерткіштеріндегі үстеу сөз табының синтаксистік ерекшеліктері // Journal of Altai and Turkic Studies. – Аstana, №3-4. – 2011.
4. Көне түркі жазба ескерткіштеріндегі үстеудің жасалуы мен қызметінің ерекшеліктері // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Алтай-Түркі әлемінің алтын бесігі”. – Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2011. – P.140-148.
5. Түркілік эпикалық сана және тарихи сабақтастық (қазақ ақын-жыраулар поэзиясы және «Манас» жыры бойынша)// Bulletin of KazNU, Philology series.– Аlmaty. — № 1-2. – 2012.
6. Peculiarities of representations of the concepts of the poetical picture of the Kazakhs of the XV-th- XVIII-th centuries// The Aitmatov Academy JOURNAL ISSN 2051-1299 Vol.II, Issue l. – London, 2013. – P.81-84 .
7. Дүниенің поэтикалық бейнесіндегі «Заман» концептісі және құрылымы // Proceedings of the International Folklorist Congress dedicated to 75th anniversary of the distinguished scholar and folklorist, academician Seit Askaruly Kaskabassov. – Аstana: the L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University, 2015. – P.335-339.

Field of scientific research: Cognitive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, linguistic Cultural studies, Syntax of the Modern Kazakh language, Text Linguistics.
Professional achievements:
2014 — Certificate for participating at the International scientific-practical seminar «Қазіргі ғылымдағы инновациялық технологиялар: компаративистика, аударматану, лингводидактика»;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the Congress «Халықаралық фольклортанушылар конгресіне», The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and the International Turkic Academy.

Ilyassova Alima Ukubaevna

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Science

Scientific, academic title: Docent

Education: The S.Seifullin Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute, 1980, Diploma with Honors, specialty: “The English language”. In 2012 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6M010200 – “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”.

The Disciplines taught: Lexicology and theoretical grammar of the English language, Professionally oriented foreign language C1, Specialized professional foreign language, Practical grammar of the English language, Practice of consecutive translation, elective disciplines “History of Great Britain”, “History of the USA”. 

Awards: The Badge “Educator-researcher” of the Kazakh Academy of Education (2007), the Certificate of honor of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK for arranging and conducting  the United National Testing (2011), the Gratitude letter of the Akim of Almaty region of Astana city – S. Akhmetov in honor of the professional holiday of the Teacher’s Day, for great contribution in educating the future generation (2012), badge “BILIM BERU ІСІНІҢ ҚҰРМЕТТІ ҚЫЗМЕТКЕРІ» MES RK (2015).

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number – 45, including:

  1. R.F.Zhusupova, A.U. Ilyassova, Continuing Teacher Professional Development // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. -No. 4.-2016, pp. 82-87.
  2. Programme of pre-diploma practice (for the students of the educational program in the specialty 5B011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages”).- Astana: AF JSC “NC NTI”, 2017. – 15 p.
  3. History of borrowings in English and Russian // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems of the Humanities and Social Sciences”. Astana: EAGI, 2017.- P. 263-265.

4. PROGRAM of pre-diploma practice (for students of the educational program on the specialty 5B011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”) // Alipbekova LU – Astana: Branch of JSC “NSCRC” in Astana, 2018. – 16 p.

– Astana: AF JSC “NC NTI”, 2018. – 16 p.

  1. Methodical instructions for the implementation of course work on the Methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​in the context of the updated content of education of the specialty 5B011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” – Astana: “IP Akhtaev U.E.”, 2018. – 38 p.

6. Application of new technologies in the formation of speaking skills in English // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of humanitarian and social sciences”. Astana: EAGI, 2018.- P.254 – 257 (Kamieva Zh.).7. Methodical instructions for the course work on the methods of teaching a foreign language in the context of the updated educational content of the specialty 5B011900 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. Astana: IP «Akhtaev UE», 2019.-37p. (Arenova GU, Alipbekova LU)

  1. Ilyassova A.U., Arenova G.U., Nikiforova M.S. Intercultural communication of a linguistic personality // International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences.” – Nur-Sultan: EAGI, 2019 .- Р. 221-224 (0.25 pp.);
  2. Zhussupova Roza, Kassymbekova Nurilya, Ilyassova Alima, Arenova Gulzhan, Zhussupova Amina. Exploring assessment for developing intercultural communicative competence among multilingual high school finance students // 7th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. Abstracts & Proceedings. – Dubai, 20-22 January 2020. – C.548-554 (0.4 pp.)
  3. Ilyassova A.U., Davletova S.E., Kardybaeva M.S. Professional practice program for students of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. – Nur-Sultan:: IE “Akhtaev U.E.”, 2021 (0.8 pp.)

11. Ilyassova A.U., Davletova S.E., Kardybaeva M.S. Professional internship program for students of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. – Nur-Sultan: IЕ «Akhtaev U.E.», 2021 (0.8 p.р.)

  1. A.U. Ilyassova, G.U. Arenova, N.V. Nikulshina. Professional internship program for students of the educational program “Translation Studies”. – training program. – Nur-Sultan: IE Akhtaev U.E., 2021 (0.8 pp.)

13. Ilyassova A.U., Arenova G.U. Alipbekova L.U. PROGRAM of professional practice for students of the educational program “Translation Studies”. – curriculum. – Nur-Sultan: IЕ «Akhtaev U.E.», 2021 (0.8 p.р.)14. Zagatova S.B., Ilyassova A.U., Ilyassova A.K. Methodical instructions “Completion of diploma work for the curriculum” Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​”. – Nur-Sultan: IЕ «Akhtaev U.E.», 2021 (1.8 p.р.)

Research area: Methods of teaching foreign languages. Linguistics. Theory and practice of translation.

Inventive activity: no

Membership in professional organizations: Member of the Association of Professional Translators and Translation Companies of Kazakhstan.

Professional achievements:

1.2016 (June) – Management of higher education / Module: Approaches to the formation of educational programs, Astana

2.2016 (September) – Management of higher education / Characteristics of the communicative-competence approach in the context of vocational education, Astana

  1. 2016 (October) – Тhe scientific-methodical seminar “Brain Research and Learning” by Dr. Michael Naeder (SES), at the Department of Foreign Philology, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana.

4.2017 – Тhe official Springer Nature Training How to use How to publish, held by Irina Alexandrova, Licencing manager Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,

5.2017 (June-July) – Management of higher education / Entrepreneurial opportunities of the university, Astana

6.2017 (August-September) – Management of higher education / Determination of key performance indicators of the university, Astana

7.2017 (November) – the Macmillan seminar Developing critical thinking. Presenter Grzegorz Spiewak, Astana

  1. 2017 (November) – Online Webinar “The Role and Importance of Educational Research”, conducted by Associate Professor, PhD Dushon Shamatov, Nazarbayev University, Astana
  2. 2017 (December) – Seminar “Sector-factor theory of economic development of countries and regions”, conducted by Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Humanitarian University Skopin Alexei Yurievich (Russia)
  3. 2018 (January) – Scientific and methodological seminar under the supervision of Professor E. Kapagan “Turki khalyktarynyn latyn alipbiine kosu tazhiribesi”, Astana, EAGI.

11.2018 (June) – Eurasian Higher Education Leaders’ Forum. Nazarbayev University. Astana NU.

  1. 2018 (September) – Conference “Assess to progress – ETS tests for the success of your institution”. Nazarbayev University, Astana
  2. 2018 (October) – The International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education “Training of External Review Group and Preparation of the Reports”, Astana.

14.2018 (October) – The Macmillan seminar “ELT upgrade: practices and innovations with skillful presenter”. Astana

  1. 2019 – Training seminar “Technologies of distance learning”, LLP “Platonus”.
  2. 2019 – Management of higher education /. Preparation for IELTS: methods of testing knowledge in English at the Center for Research and Personality Development “Talent Management”.
  3. 2020 (March) – Online courses of the program “Management” / Modern problems of linguistics: paradigms of scientific knowledge in linguistics. Center for Research and Personality Development “Talent Management”.
  4. 2020 – Management of higher school / “Zhanartylgan bilim beru mazmuny teuberinde zhogary oku oryndaryndagy zamanaui pedagogikalyk tekhnologialar” at JSC “National Center for Advanced Studies”.
  5. 2020 (October) – Online seminar “Academic writing: the value of short answer responses”, Cambridge University press.
  6. 2020 (November) – Teacher Training Seminar “The Place of the Old in the Brave New World”, Jenny Dooley. EDU Stream. Express Publishing.
  7. 2020 (December) – “English Teaching Workshops with August Garnsey” hosted by American Corner Nur-Sultan.
  8. 2021 (January) – Online course “Development of digital competence of a teacher of higher education” at the NAO Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Institute of Additional Education.

Additional information: no

Yevseyev Vyacheslav Stanislavovich

Education: S.Seifullin Pedagogical Institute in Akmolinsk, 1996, major subjects: German and English. In 2014 he obtained the degree of a Habilitated Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil. habil.) in German studies from the University of Bamberg (Germany)
Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Habilitated Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil. habil)
Scientific, academic title: associate professor
2015 – honour title “Researching lecturer” of the Kazakh Academy of Education.

2017 – A. Baitursynov silver medal of the Association of higher schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan

List of major publications:

  1. Ikonizität und Taxis: Ein Beitrag zur Natürlichkeitstheorie («Iconicity and taxis: to the theory of naturalness»). Frankfurt on the Main: Lang publishers. 2003 г. – 304 p.
  2. Non-iconic chronology in Rus­sian narrative texts: its types and motiv­ations. In: Zeitschrift für Slawistik (Berlin), 2012 (57:1), 46-70. (Impact-Factor of the journal: 0,037).
  3. Motivations for non-iconic chronology in English narrative texts. In: Linguistics (Antwerp) 2013 (51:3), 555-584. (Impact-Factor of the journal: 0,718).
  4. Nicht-ikonische Chronologie: Zeitlichkeit und Zeitreferenz im Deutschen, Englischen und Russischen («Non-iconic chronology: temporality and temporal reference in German, English and Russian»). Cologne: «Böhlau», 2017 г. – 322 p.

Field of scientific research: linguistics, grammar theory, syntax, narratology, semiotics, academic skills research

Professional achievements:

2006 – a two-month research stay at the University of Bamberg (Germany)
2009 – a two-month research stay at the University of Bamberg (Germany)

2012 – a two-month research stay at the University of Bamberg (Germany)

2015 – a two-month research stay at the University of Bamberg (Germany)

2018 – a two-month research stay at the University of Bamberg (Germany)

Alipbekova Lyazzat Usmanovna 

Scientific, academic Degree: Master of Pedagogical Science
Position: Senior teacher
Education: The L.N. Gumilyov ENU, 2005, specialty: “The English Language. In 2013 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6М030100 — Pedagogy and Psychology
Rewards: the Badge “Pedagogue – Innovator” of the Kazakh Academy of Education.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number: 26, including:

  1. Ертегі терапиясымен психологиялық қызмет көрсетудің әдістемелік ерекшеліктері// Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Humanities and social Sciences”.- Astana. – EAGI, 2013. — P. 347-349.
  2. «Аударма ісі» мамандығының студенттеріне арналған кәсіби практика бағдарламасы, (with the co-author Ilyassova A.U.)- Astana: АФ АО «НЦ НТИ», 2014. — 33 p.
  3. Ағылшын тіліндегі метафораның қазақ тіліне берілуі// II International Symposium of Turkic World Studies. The Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University.- Almaty, 2015. — P. 175-180.
  4. Психолог қызметіндегі құм терапиясының психотерапиялық құндылықтары// Republican scientific journal “Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute”. – Astana, 2015. — №2. — P.142-147.
  5. Аудармада иронияны жеткізу тәсілдері// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Humanities and social Sciences” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Eurasian Humanities Institute.- Astana, EAGI, 2015, P. 326-328.

Professional achievements:
2014 Certificate of the MES of RK about accreditation. In accordance with article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About Science” Alipbekova Lyazzat UssmanovnaI is accredited as a subject of scientific and scientific-technical activity;
2014 — Сertificate of participation at the international scientific-practical seminar «Pedagogical innovation. Methods of Teaching. Educational Projects», at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan (72 hours);
2015 — Сertificate of participation in the II International Research Symposium on the Turkic World dedicated to the 550th anniversary of Kazakh Khanate and the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training seminar:  “Preparation of the Report on self-assessment of a higher institution within the framework of the institutional and specialized accreditation;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the seminar on methods of teaching languages “Policy of contemporary language training in Kazakhstan”, KazGUU (72 hours).


Mukysheva Ainur Kokenovna

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philological Science
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 1996, specialty: “The German and English Languages”. In 2014 she defended the Candidate Dissertation on specialty: 10.02.20 – Germanistics.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number – 16, including:

  1. Methodological work-out for the students of the language faculties// «Die Kunst Malerei», Pavlodar: Publishing House named after S. Torgaidyrov, 2003.
  2. The Picture of the World as the reflection of interconnection of language and Art// Materials of the international scientific practical conference. – Penza, 2011. – P. 206-208.
  3. «Der status ues Futur I iunerhalb der Tempussystems» — Bulletin of PSU named after S. Torgaidyrov. – Pavlodar, 2011. – № 1, P.120-124.
    Field of scientific research: Linguistics, Grammar.

Professional achievements:
2014 — “New understanding of culture and communication” Visiting Professor from the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini;
2015 — Certificate of Participation at the seminar “Communicative and interactive approaches of teaсhing German”, Goete- Institute, Kazakhstan (40 hours).

Nikulshina Natalya Vitalevna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Education: Akmola University named after S.Seifullin, 1999, specialty: “English and Kazakh languages”.

Awards and prizes: For achievements in the field of education, awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007)

List of scientific and methodological works. The total number is 14, including:

  1. Home Reading Guide on “The Happy Prince and other tales” by Oscar Wilde. Astana: EAGI .- 2011.- 47s. (co-author Dyachenko OV)
  2. Textbook “Appendix to the textbook of the English language” ABC “for the 2 course (keys to translational exercises).” Astana: EAGI, 2012. – 70 p. (co-authors Dyachenko OV, Kyunal A.P.)
  3. The role of the definition in teaching foreign language // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the rector of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, academician, doctor of historical sciences, professor AKKusainov // Humanitarian education in the modern world: problems, searches, prospects . Astana: EAGI, 2012. – p. 504-505.
  1. About the need to form students’ abilities for self-education // Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference // Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences. Astana: EAGI, 2013. – p. 358-359.
  2. “Practical ideas for high school” in collaboration with O. Dyachenko. // Collection of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Quality Management: Search and Solutions”. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017.-P.396-402 (volume 2).
  3. “The method of projects in English classes” in collaboration with O. Dyachenko // Collection of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences.” Astana: EAGI, 2017
  4. “Scaffolding” – assistant of integrated lessons” in collaboration with Dyachenko OV // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education №2, 2018.- P.73-78
  5. “Planning classes in high school using technology” scaffolding” in collaboration with Dyachenko O.V. / / Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference” Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences. ” Astana: EAGI, 2018
  6. “Scaffolding” – to help the teacher of a foreign language at school” in collaboration with Dyachenko O.V. // Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme “Training of competitive teachers in the context of modernization and updating of the content of education”. Arkalyk, 2019.- p.217-222
  7. “Teaching Academic Literacy at the University” in collaboration with Dyachenko OV. // Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Time.” Sapporo, Japan, 2019.- .482-487

Professional achievements: certificates of participation in scientific and practical seminars and conferences, including:

2011 – 4-hour workshop “Modern methods of teaching English through interactive programs” held on Alan Osman, – Vice-President RES, Matthew Yallop, Pearson Longman ELT consultant
2011 – the seminar “Developing language skills through the material class in the ELT classroom” led by Rob Dean (PEARSON). Astana: Alramin, official representative of PEARSON in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2011 – The methodology seminar on “Authenticity in ELT” under the guidance of the author of the textbook “New Inside Out”. Astana, Macmillan education representative.
2013the methodology seminar on “Using minimum resources to maximum effect” held by Teresa Doguelli. Astana, Macmillan education representative.
2017 – the seminar “Universities and modern megacities: navigator on the educational space of Russia and Kazakhstan” (14 hours), St. Petersburg-Astana
2017 – professional development under the program of the International Autumn School “Integration processes in modern philological science and education” (72 hours). Astana, Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov
2017 – the  seminar «Developing Critical Thinking”. Astana, Macmillan education representative
2018 – online seminar “Features of the organization of the educational process in the conditions of 3-languages”, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Astana (72 hours)
2018 – courses on advanced training of teachers in translation, Kazakhstan Academy of Translation, Astana (72 hours)
2018 – the seminar “Assess to progress – ETS tests for the success of your institution”, ETS Global, Astana
2018 – the seminar “ELT Upgrade: practices and innovations”, Macmillan Education, Astana
2018 – the seminar “Science Direct and Scopus solutions”, Elsevier, EAGI, Astana
2018 – the seminar “Terminology – end-to-end discipline in the preparation of translators”, Association of Professional Translators and Translating Companies, Astana
2018 – online – seminar “Digitization in the educational process”, EAGI, Astana (72h.)
2019 – webinar “To speak, or not to speak!” (By David Spencer), Astana
2019 – “Leading to Success” webinar (by Fiona Dunlop), Astana2019 – scientific and methodical school “MSU English Studies”, Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University (72 hours)

Davletova Saltanat Esengalievna

Academic degree: Master of pedagogical science

Position: Senior Lecturer

Education: South Kazakhstan State University. M. Auezov, 1998, specialty: “English”. In 2015  defended  master’s thesis on the specialty: 6М030100 – Pedagogy and Psychology.

Courses taught: 5В011900- “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” – business English, dialects of English, lexicology and theoretical grammar, lexicography of English, English for schools with physical and mathematical bias, intercultural communication, EILTS. 5В020700- “Translation Studies” – English literature and translation problems, translation theory.

List of scientific and methodological works: The total number – 18, including:

1. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал «Лексикология және теориялық грамматика». Астана; ЕАГИ- 2012. -168б.
2. Ағылшын тіліндегі жалқы есімдерді қазақ тіліне аудару ерекшеліктері (Materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Astana 2013).
3. Кәсіби жетілдірудің психологиялық және теориялық мәселелері (Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Astana 2013).
4. Психологиялық тренингтерді қолданудың маңыздылығы. // // EAGI Khabarshysy. Science Magazine, No. 2,2014.
5. Студенттерді кәсіби жетілдіру мақсатында қолданылатын психологиялық тренингтердің тиімділігі. // // EAGI Khabarshysy. Science Magazine, № 1,2. 2015
6. Болымсыздықты білдіретін стилистикалық құралдары. Литото (Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Astana.2018). “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences.”

Professional achievements:

2013 – diploma of the participant of the Republican contest “Teacher of the XXI century”. Taldykurgan.
2014 – ‘Language contacts: concepts and’. Visiting Professor of the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) Laszlo Maracz. 2014 – “EL Methodology, Critical Thinking, High Level Thinking in EL Classroom” Eric Espinoza.
2014 – “New understanding of culture and communication.” Visiting Professor of the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini.
2014 – “The cognitive aspect of contrastive linguistics”. BelSU.
2014 – “The cognitive aspect of contrastive linguistics”. BelSU.
2015 – certificate for participation in the seminar on methods of language teaching “The policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan.” KAZGUU (72 hours).
2017 – “How to use How to publish” Springer Nature. Astana.
2017 – “Current Practices and Horizons” “A-Fricca Excellence” .Astana
2017 – Seminar “Universities and Modern Global Cities: Navigator for the Educational Spaces of Kazakhstan and Russia” [14 hours].
2017 – “Integration processes in modern philological science and education” (72 hours). L.N. Gumilyov  EHU, Astana .
2017 — «Шетел тілін оқытуда инновациялық педагогикалық технологияларды пайдалану» (72 hours). Astana .
2018 — «Түркі халықтарының латын әліпбиіне көшу тәжірибесі»72 hours International Scientific and Practical Conference, Astana. prof. Enver Kapagan (Karabuk University, Turkiya).

09.28.2018- Akademic conference. Access to progress-ETS tests for your success

From 09/24/2018–05/10/2018, took courses to improve the skills of teachers in translation in the amount of 72 hours

From 10.22.2018-03.11.2018 “Digitization in the educational process” online seminar “EAGI-Bilim”

12/07/2018- ” International Scientific and Practical Conference, Astana.2018).

“Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences

January 8, 2019 – “Springer Nature Database and Its Use in Preparing Publications in International Journals”

Melnova Katerina Vasilievna

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Philology

Academic, academic title: senior lecturer

Education: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2017., specialty “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”

Eurasian National University, 2017-2019., Specialty “Foreign Philology”, In 2019 defended master’s thesis.

Eurasian National University, 2021 – present., Specialty Literary criticism, PhD

Courses taught: basic foreign language (B1-B2), practical grammar (B1-B2), foreign language (C2), reading newspapers, lexicology and theoretical grammar, the basics of the professional activity of a translator, advanced foreign language according to the IELTS program.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: Total number – 10:

  1. Functions of Internet Slang and Its Usage // Youth and science: issues of foreign philology, linguodidactics and intercultural communication: materials of an international scientific and practical conference. – Astana, 2018.-P.64-67
  2. Prospects of Internet Study for Modern Linguistics // Science and Life of Kazakhstan International popular science journal, №2 / 3 (58) 2018. Astana 2018. 136-138 (co-author Bekzhanova Zh.E.)
  3. The Nature and Types of Internet Socio-Culture Slang // XIII International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Science and Education – 2018” Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov – 2018.S. 2946-2948
  4. An overview on Gender and Language Sudies // Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century: materials of an international scientific conference. – Nur-Sultan, 2020 .– P. 7-9
  5. Internet Slang of Socio-Cultural Groups in Everyday Speech of Bachelor and Master Students// Modern problems of humanitarian and social problems: materials of an international scientific conference, EAGI. – Nur-Sultan, 2020 .– p. 329-331.
  7. “The connection of fantasy with the concepts of genre and subgenre”// Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young scientists “Nurgaliev readings-XI”. 2022. pp. 153-158 ISSN 989-702-326-410-5
  8. “The birth of a new fantasy hero in “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman”// A.P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “RSEU (RINH)”, Russian Federation, Taganrog (2022)
  9. “From ancient myths to modernity. History of Fantasy Development”// Iasi University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Faculty of Literature, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of Slavistics “Petru Karaman” (2022)
  10. “Fantasy genre in Russia history and current state”// XV International Scientific Conference “Russian Studies and modernity”, organized under the auspices of MAPRYAL (October 2022), China, Changsha

Professional achievements:

2018 – certificate of passing a scientific internship at the University of Opolsk in the framework of master’s studies, Poland.
2020 – a certificate for passing refresher courses at the “Winter School-2020” M. Narikbaeva, Nur-Sultan.
2020- certificate for participation in the seminar “Modern technologies, forms and methods of prevention of deviant behavior”, Almaty. Nur-Sultan.
2021 – certificate for passing the courses “Digital competence of a teacher”, Russia.
2021 – Certificate for passing TESOL Part 1, Arizona State University, Coursera
2021 – certificate for passing the Media Literacy MOOC courses, RELO office, Nur-Sultan


Ospanova Zhanna Tolyubaevna
Scientific, academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Scientific, academic title:  Associate Professor


  • 2017-2020 Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov; doctoral studies (PhD) in the specialty “6D021000-Foreign Philology”: degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – order No. 96 of December 29, 2020, diploma FD No. 0000096. Topic of doctoral dissertation: “Idioethnic features of conceptual metaphor in the Kazakh and German languages.” Defense date: 26.12.2020.
  • 2012-2014 Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov; Master’s degree in the specialty “6M021000-Foreign Philology”: academic degree Master of Humanities (Master of Arts)
  • 2003-2005 Karaganda Economic University of KAZPOTREBSOYUZ; faculty “Accounting and Audit”, specialty “Assessment (by industries and areas of application)”, qualification “expert appraiser”;
  • 1998-2003 Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov; Faculty of Philology, specialty “Foreign Philology”, qualification “philologist, teacher of German and English languages ​​and literature” (diploma with honors);

Courses taught: intercultural communication, ethnolinguistics, German


  1. Research internship for the period from February 3 to May 3, 2019 at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, RF) on the topic of dissertation research under the PhD doctoral program.
  2. Research internship on the topic of master’s thesis at the University of Tübingen Eberhard Karl (Tübingen, Germany), November 16-29, 2013 Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works for the last 5 years:

  1. Doctoral dissertation PhD “Idioethnic features of conceptual metaphor in the Kazakh and German languages”, specialty “6D021000-Foreign Philology” (Nur-Sultan, LN Gumilyov ENU, 2020)
  2. Ospanova Zh., Tolybayeva K., Nurkenova S., Duisekova K., Baltabayeva G. Lingua and culture study research on indirect communication cognitive metaphor // XLinguae. 2020. Vol. 2. – P. 157-165. DOI: 10.18355 / XL.2020.13.02.13. Publisher: Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o. Q1, 2018 percentile for philosophy 90%, language and linguistics 85%, linguistics and language 84%.
  3. Kozhakhmetova A., Ospanova Zh., Mussatayeva M., Bissenbayeva Zh. Axiological concepts of journalistic texts (lingua-stylistic analysis) // XLinguae. 2020. Vol. 2. – P. 225-234. DOI: 10.18355 / XL.2020.13.02.13. Publisher: Slovenska Vzdelavacia a Obstaravacia s.r.o. Q1, 2018 percentile for philosophy 90%, language and linguistics 85%, linguistics and language 84%.
  4. Ospanova Zh.T. Metaphorical rethinking of the category “emotion” within the concept of POSITION IN SPACE // Cognitive studies of language / editor-in-chief NN Boldyrev; Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, RAS, IYazRAN, Tambov State University named after GR Derzhavin, RALK. – M.: Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences; Tambov: Publishing house of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin / Vol. 3 (46): Language and thinking in the era of global changes: materials of the International scientific conference. in cognitive linguistics. June 2-4, 2021 / ed. A.V. Ivanov. – Moscow: FLINT, 2021. — S. 206-209. (KKSON, VAK RF, RSCI)
  5. Ospanova Zh.T., Besimbaev B.N. Method of conceptual analysis of language: main directions // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. – Issue. 3. – Nur-Sultan, 2020. — S. 300-307.
  6. Ospanova Zh.T., Duisekova K.K., Tolybaeva K.K. Linguo-cognitive research in Kazakhstan: current state and prospects // Cognitive studies of language. Issue 2 (41) / ch. ed. N.N. Boldyrev, otv. ed. A.P. Chudinov. – M.: Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences; Tambov: Ed. house of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin. – Yekaterinburg: UrGPU, 2020. — S. 117-121.
  7. Ospanova Zh.T., Duisekova K.K. Metaphorical conceptualization of an oriented position in space // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. – Issue. 3. – Nur-Sultan, 2019. — S. 239-247.
  8. Ospanova Zh.T. Idioethnic features of the conceptualization of space // Bulletin of PSU. – Pavlodar, 2019. – Issue. 4. – S. 253-264.
  9. Ospanova Zh.T., Duisekova K.K. The linguoculturological aspect of the conceptual metaphor // Cognitive studies of language. Issue XXXVII. – M.: Institute of Linguistics RAS; otv. ed. no. T.V. Romanov. – N. Novgorod: DECOM, 2019. — S. 173-178.
  10. Ospanova Zh.T., Valieva F.A. The main communicative forms and types of intercultural communication // Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Actual problems of philology” [Electronic resource], April 22, 2021, Ural State Pedagogical University (Ural State Pedagogical University), Yekaterinburg, 2021. – Issue. 22. – 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM). – S.303-307 (RSCI).
  11. Ospanova Zh.T., Mukhamedzhan D.A. On the issue of studying social roles in intercultural communication // Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Actual problems of philology” [Electronic resource], April 22, 2021, Ural State Pedagogical University (USPU), Yekaterinburg, 2021. – Issue … 22. – 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM). – S. 307-313 (RSCI).
  12. Ospanova Zh.T. Metaphorization of position in space in German (based on lexico-phraseological units) // “German Studies 2020: Nove et nova”, dedicated. 90th anniversary of MSLU: Materials (Abstracts) of the Third International Scientific Conference (Moscow, December 29, 2020). – M.: FGBOU VO MGLU, 2020. — S. 32-32.
  13. Ospanova Zh.T. Idioethnic features of orientational metaphors // Herzen’s readings. Foreign languages: Sat. scientific. tr. / ed. T.I. Vorontsova. – SPb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2020. — S. 210-213.
  14. Ospanova Zh.T. On the functional aspect of metaphor // Turkish linguoculturology: problems and prospects: materials of the XI international. scientific-practical conf. pupils, undergraduates and graduate students (Kazan, February 20-21, 2020) / comp. Z.N. Kirillova, R.R. Salakhov. – Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. University, 2020. — S. 237-241.
  15. Duisekova K.K., Ospanova Zh.T. The world-modeling function of the conceptual metaphor (based on the material of different-structured languages) // Linguistic unity and linguistic diversity in a multi-ethnic state: reports and messages of the international. conf. (Moscow, November 14-17, 2018) / resp. ed. A.N. Bitkeeva, M.A. Goryacheva; Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for National and Linguistic Relations. – M.: Languages ​​of the peoples of the world, 2018. – – S. 524-534.
  16. Ospanova Zh.T., Duisekova K.K. Metaphorical projections from the source area POSITION IN SPACE (on the example of the verb otyr in the Kazakh language) // Horizons of modern linguistics: trends and scientific dialogue: materials of the international. scientific. conf., dedicated. 50th anniversary of ped. activities of prof. E. D. Suleimenova / otv. ed. MM. Aimagambetova, O.B. Altynbekov. – Almaty: Kazakh University Publishing House, 2020. – – P. 294-299.
  17. Ospanova Zh.T., Duisekova A.A. Conceptualization of space: universal and idioethnic features // Problems of multilingualism in multiethnic space: collection of articles. materials international. scientific-practical conf., dedicated. To the 250th anniversary of A. Humboldt. – Nur-Sultan: Printing house of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, 2019. — S. 360-365.
  18. Ospanova Zh.T. On the issue of the theory of conceptual metaphor // Youth and science: issues of foreign philology, linguo-deduction and intercultural communication: materials of the international. scientific-practical conf. – Astana: Master Po LLP, 2018. — S. 77-82.
  19. Ospanova Zh.T., Bizhkenova A.E. On the problem of standardization of terms (on the example of the analysis of the vocabulary of documents of international accreditation of universities) // Foreign language education in Kazakhstan and the modern world: collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference. – Astana, LLP “Master Po”, 2013. – P.146-153.
  20. Zagatova S.B., Ilyasova A.U., Ospanova Zh.T. Methodical instructions for the implementation of thesis on the educational program 6B-1704 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages.” Recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council of EAGI (Minutes No. 6 dated June 25, 2021). EAGI: Nur-Sultan, 2021. – 36 p.

Research interests: cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, cognitive aspects of phraseology, metaphorical modeling, corpus studies of language, ethnolinguistic, intercultural communication, methods of teaching foreign languages.

Professional achievements:

  1. 2018 (November) – international scientific-practical conference “Linguistic unity and linguistic diversity in a multi-ethnic state”, Moscow, RF.
  2. 2019 (February) – webinar “Information tools for authors of scientific publications” on the resources of Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science).
  3. 2019 (March) – webinar “Practical recommendations for publishing in international journals” on the resources of Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science).
  4. 119 (February-May) – research internship at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic of dissertation research, Moscow, RF.
  5. 2019 (June) – the fifth conference “Cognitive Science in Moscow: New Research”, Moscow, RF.
  6. 2020 (February) – international scientific-practical conference “Turkic cultural linguistics: problems and prospects”, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, RF.
  7. 2020 (April) – international webinar “Technologies of distance learning in other philological disciplines: from work experience”, ENU. L.N. Gumilyov, Nur-Sultan, RK.
  8. 8.2020 (September) – X International Congress on Cognitive Linguistics, Yekaterinburg, RF.
  9. 2020 (October) – international conference “Horizons of modern linguistics: trends and scientific dialogue”, Almaty, KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Almaty, RK.
  10. 2020 (December) – the third International Scientific Conference “German Studies 2020: Nove et nova”, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, RF.
  11. 2021 (April) – a letter of gratitude for the leadership of the scientific work of students Valieva F. and Mukhamedzhan D., students PD-190-01 in the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Philology”, April 22, 2021 Ural State Pedagogical University (Yekaterinburg, RF).
  12. 2021 (June) – advanced training seminar for teachers of German, June 22-29, 2021 (3 academic hours) in the online format “Schreibimpulse zum kreativen Schreiben. Aus der Praxis, fuer Praxis “. Goethe-Institut Kasachstan.
  13. 2021 (July) – training “Crises of the modern family. Mechanisms for preserving family values ​​”, July 10, 2021. Project “Institutionalization of measures to strengthen family values ​​among young people” . Public Foundation En baqytty el (Nur-Sultan, RK).
  14. 2021 (June) – seminar “Foreign Language Teachers’ Cooperation: Integration Knowledge and Practice”, S. Seifullin KazATU (Nur-Sultan, RK).
  15. 2021 (August) – Second Digital Congress of German Teachers “Deutschunterricht im Jahr 2021: Lehrer- und Lernermotivation (Teaching German in 2021: teacher and student motivation)”, Goethe-Institut Kasachstan.
  16. 2021 (October) – TOEIC Program (ETS TOEIC) webinar.
  17. 2021 (October) – Schreiben auf hohem Niveau webinar! Fertigkeitentraining mit Spaß und Erfolg für fortgeschrittene Jugendliche (Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co KG). Referent Lukas Mayrhofer.
  18. 2021 (October) – webinar Gegen das Vergessen – Mnemotechniken im DaF-Unterricht (Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co KG). Referentin Luisa Friederici.

Membership in professional organizations: Member of the Russian Union of Germanists

Hirsch index in Scopus database: 1

Gyuzelya Temirgaliyeva Kamalidinovna

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Master of Economic Sciences.

Scientific, academic title: senior teacher.


  1. Eurasian Institute of Humanities, 2014, specialty: «Foreign languages: two foreign languages (English and French) », bachelor degree.
  2. Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and Foreign Trade, 2016, specialty: «State and local government management », Master of Economic Sciences.
  3. Omsk State Pedagogical University, 2019, specialty: «Pedagogical innovation», Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

The Disciplines taughtBasic English, Practical Grammar of English, Workshop on the Culture of Speech Communication, Home Reading, General Theory of Translation.

Awards and prizes: «Group Tutor – 2017».

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works for the last 5 years:

  1. Инновационные технологии в обучении английскому языку // Collection of the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ – 2016. – P. 314-317.
  2. Преподаватель как субъект педагогической деятельности // Collection of the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ – 2017. – P. 122-124 (co-author Shaimukanova).
  3. Диагностическое изучение индивидуального стиля педагогической деятельности преподавателя как основа его совершенствования деятельности // Collection of the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ – 2018. – P. 297-300.
  4. Шетел тілі сабағында қолдануға болатын интерактивті әдістің үлгілері // Collection of the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Nur-Sultan: ЕАГИ – 2019. – P. 259-261.

Research area: Pedagogy. Pedagogical innovation. Methods of Teaching.

Professional achievements:

  1. 2016 – certificate of participation in the scientific and methodological seminar «Intellectual research and training», Astana, L. N. Gumilyov ENU.
  2. 2016 – certificate from Irina Alexandrova (international coach) on participation in the seminar «How to use?/How to publish?», Springer Nature.
  3. 2016 – certificate from Enver Kapagan (foreign lecturer, PhD, Karabuk University, Turkey) on participation in the 36-hour seminar «Turkic languages and Language Policy», Astana, ЕАГИ.
  4. 2016 – certificate for participation in the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences», Astana, ЕАГИ.
  5. 2017 – certificate for participation in the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences», Astana, ЕАГИ.
  6. 2017 – certificate for participation in the seminar «Universities and modern megacities: a navigator on the educational space of Russia and Kazakhstan», Higher School of Economics.
  7. 2017 – certificate for participation in the seminar on «Methods of subject-language integrated learning», Astana, the Center of Pedagogical Excellence of AEO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools».
  8. 2018 – certificate for participation in the Herzen Olympiad of Young teachers «Pedagogical perspective», Russian Federation, Omsk, OmSPU.
  9. 2018 – certificate for participation in the republican online seminar held by «EAGI-bilim» at the Eurasian Institute of Humanities on the topic «Innovative methods of teaching the content of the updated education program», Astana, ЕАГИ.
  10. 2019 – certificate for participation in the international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences», Nur-Sultan, ЕАГИ.
  11. 2020 – certificate for participation in the four-day advanced training course «Winter School of Professional Development», Nur-Sultan, KazGUU Winter School.
  12. 2020 – certificate for passing a training seminar on the topic «Modern technologies, forms and methods of prevention of deviant behavior», in the amount of 72 hours, within the framework of the program «Territorial Development Programs», Nur-Sultan, the Department for Combating Drug Crime of the Police Department of the city of Nur-Sultan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ilyassova Ardak Kumysbekovna

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Arts.

Scientific, academic title: senior teacher.


Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute named after S.Seifullin, 1988, specialty: “French and English languages”, qualification: “Teacher of French and English languages.

2017-2019  L.N.Gumilyov ENU, Master’s degree

The Disciplines taught: intercultural communication, ethnolinguistics, geography and culture of a second foreign language, French, Latin.

Awards and prizes: Gratitude of the EAGI for the Teacher’s Day – October 2016, the title of “Teacher-innovator” with a badge – 2016

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works for the last 5 years:

  • «Расширение словарного состава французского языка путем заимствований» // «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ, 2013. – P. 349-352.
  • Лингвокультурологические особенности рекламного текста// «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ, 2015. – P.296-299. (co-author f.s. Professor Zagatova S.B.)
  • Жоғары оқу орнында тілдік емес мамандықтарда шетел тілінен лексикамен жұмыс жүргізу әдістемесі // «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ, 2016. – P.341-343. (co-author senior teacher Yassinova K.А. )
  • Критерийлік оқыту // «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ, 2017. – P.109-112 (co-author senior teacher Yassinova K.А.)
  • «Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі» мамандығына арналған диплом жұмысын орындаудың әдістемелік нұсқаулары «Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі» мамандығына арналған диплом жұмысын орындаудың әдістемелік нұсқаулары.- Astana: ЕАГИ, 2017, 32 p. (co-authors Zagatova S.B., Koszhanova A.S.)
  • Саяси дискурста қарым-қатынастың фатикалық құралдарының қолданылуы// «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ, 2018 – P.275-276
  • Фатические средства общения в произведениях французских писателей //«Актуальные вопросы иностранной филологии и лингводидактики в свете новых тенденции развития гуманитарного образования и межкультурной коммуникации». Astana: N.Gumilyov ENU, 2019 P.296-301
  • Француз жазушыларының шығармаларында қарым-қатынас орнату мақсатымен фатикалық құралдарды қолдану «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana. Астана: ЕАГИ, 2019. – P.296-299.
  • Нәтижелі коммуникацияның маңызды компоненті ретіндегі фатикалық қарым-қатынас Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. — № 4, 2019, P.194-199
  • Фатическое общение – особая форма межкультурной коммуникации// «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences» – Astana: ЕАГИ, 2020. – P.306-309.

Research area: Methods of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics. Linguistics.

Membership in professional organizations: Member of the Association of Teachers of the French language of Kazakhstan

Professional achievements:

  • 2015 – Certificat de participant au séminaire de formation en FLE “L’évaluation des competences”, French Alliance (at the Embassy of France in the Republic of Kazakhstan), Astana
  • 2015 – Seminar on the methodology of language teaching in the framework of the theme” Modern Language Training Policy in Kazakhstan”, Astana
  • 2016 – republican seminar “Modern motodes as a tool for quality management of education, Astana
  • 2016 – International Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of multilingualism in Kazakhstan and the processes of formation of a multicultural personality”, Astana, N.Gumilyov ENU
  • 2016 – Certificat de participant au séminaire de formation en FLE “L’évaluation des competences”, French Alliance (at the Embassy of France in the Republic of Kazakhstan), Astana
  • 2016 – scientific and methodological seminar: “Turkic languages and language policy”  PhD, associate professor Enver Kapagan (Karabuk University, Turkey)
  • 2013-2021 – international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of humanities and social sciences», Astana: ЕАГИ
  • 2017 – scientific and methodological seminar “Corporate culture and internal communication” under the guidance of Professor V.V. Kozlov (Russia).
  • 2017 – Certificat de participant au séminaire de formation en FLE “L’évaluation des competences”, French Alliance (at the Embassy of France in the Republic of Kazakhstan), Astana
  • 2017 – seminar on «Methods of subject-language integrated learning», Astana, the Center of Pedagogical Excellence of AEO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools»
  • 2017 – семинар Macmillan “Developping Critical Thinking”, Astana
  • 2018 – scientific and methodological seminar ”Experience of transition of Turkic peoples to the Latin alphabet”, PhD, associate professor Enver Kapagan (Karabuk University, Turkey)
  • 2018 – Springer Nature Training “How to use? How to Publish?, Astana
  • 2018 – Republican online seminar “Innovative approaches to teaching updated educational content”, methodological Center «ЕАГИ Білім», Astana
  • 2018 – Republican online seminar “Digital technologies in the educational process”, methodological Center «ЕАГИ Білім», Astana
  • 2019 – international seminar «Le Development durable en FLE», Astana, Spanish Language Center. French Alliance
  • 2019 – international methodological seminar “Foreign Language Teachers’ Cooperation: Integrating Knowledge & Practice”, Astana, S.Seifullin Kaz ATU, Center of the development of international cooperation and multilingual education
  • 2019 – Certificat de participant au séminaire de formation en FLE “L’évaluation des competences”, French Alliance (at the Embassy of France in the Republic of Kazakhstan), Astana
  • 2019, October – scientific internship at the University of Opole (Opole, Poland)
  • 2020 – a training seminar on the topic «Modern technologies, forms and methods of prevention of deviant behavior», Nur-Sultan, the Department for Combating Drug Crime of the Police Department of the city of Nur-Sultan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2020 – seminar “Actual problems of teaching French in the context of the updated content of education”, Nur-Sultan, Center for Research and Personal Development “Talant-Management”
  • 2020 – training seminar «Formation linguistique. Favoriser les pratiques ludiques et creatives», France, Besancon, Summer Distance Pedagogical University, University Franche-Comte
  • 2020 – “Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the higher education system”, Nur-Sultan, Center for Research and Personal Development “Talant-Management”
  • 2020 – “Intercultural communication: formation of professional competencies of an English teacher at a university”, Nur-Sultan, Center for Research and Personal Development “Talant-Management”

Sultanova Samal Muradymovna

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Arts

Scientific, academic title: senior teacher.


  • Baishev University, 2006, specialty: «Foreign languages: two foreign languages (English and German)».
  • Baishev University, 2011, specialty: Master of Arts
  • Bashkir State Pedagogical University (Ufа), postgraduate study, 2016 – 2020. Dissertation defense, 2021, specialty: 02.20 Comparative-historical and typological linguistics

The Disciplines taughtIELTS, Business English, Media language, Foreign language C1, Foreign language C2, Academic writing, Special professional foreign language, Grammatical features of translation.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works for the last 5 years:

  1. Картина мира в русском, казахском и английском словообразовании // Успехи современной науки. Russia, Belgorod, 2017. Т.2. № 2. p. 64-68.
  2. Национально-лингвистические особенности словообразования в казахском, русском и английском языках (на материале суффиксов со значением наименования лица) // Мир науки, культуры, образования. Russia, Altai Кrау, 2018. № 5 (72). p. 517-519.
  3. Особенности словообразовательных аффиксов в разноструктурных языках (на материале русского, казахского и английского языков) // Мир науки, культуры, образования. Russia, Altai Кrау, № 5 (78). p. 383-386.
  4. Концепт «человек» в казахском, русском и английском словообразовании // Materials of the International Conference “Er Edige and National Consciousness in the XXI Century. April 26, 2018». Aktobe: Baishev University, 2018. p. 292-294.
  5. Продуктивные и непродуктивные аффиксы в структуре русского, казахского и английского языков, характеризующих человека // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities 2019. №1. p.197-202.
  6. Қазақ, орыс және ағылшын тілдеріндегі мамандық, кәсіп атауларын білдіретін сөзжасамдық жұрнақтар ерекшеліктері // Bulletin of the Kazakh Academy of Education. Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2018. p. 252-258.
  7. Способы образования наименований лиц по профессии, роду занятий и с оценкой коннотаций в разноструктурных языках. Scientific international conference. “Nurgaliev Readings – VIII: Scientific Community of Young Scientists of the XXI Century. Philological Sciences “, N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. February 27-28, 2019. Nur-Sultan, 2019. p. 102-105.
  8. Metaphor and Metonomy transfer in view of Traditional and Cognitive approaches. International journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences. Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2018. P. 86-97.
  9. Textbook for students of the specialty 5В011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages. S. Baishev University.-Aktobe. 2016.
  10. Linguocultural environment of the language in the aspect of its fractality // Humanistic Practice in Education in a Postmodern Age 2019. European Proceeding of Social and Behavioral Sciences (EpSBS). Web of Science. Volume 93 – HPEPA 2019.
  11. E-ISSN: 2357-1330. DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2020.11.110. 1059-1069 p. London, United Kingdom. ISO London Limited (company no: 9219513).

Research area: Linguistics, comparative linguistics.

Professional achievements:

  1. Certificate for participation in the seminar on “Mobile Assisted Language Learning and British Council Digital Resources” Baishev University, Аktobe 15-30.11. 2015
  2. Сertificate for participation in the seminar on «Құзыреттіліктер жетістігіне бағытталған білім беру бағдарламаларын жобалау» Baishev University, Аktobe, 08.01-22.01.2018
  3. Сertificate for participation in the seminar on “Применение малоформатных креолизованных текстов в учебном процессе”, Samara State Social-pedagogical University, 24.04.2018, Samarа-Аktobе.
  4. Certificate for participation in the seminar on “Перевод научных текстов: предпереводной анализ и перевод с русского на английский / английского на русский”, Самара мемлекеттік әлеуметтік-педагогикалық университеті, 23.04.2018, Самара-Ақтөбе.
  5. Certificate for participation in the seminar on «Методология языковедения: язык, речь, речевая деятельность» 09-19.03.2016 Institute of Project Management, Saint Petersburg.
  6. Certificate for participation in the seminar on «Коучинг в образовательной среде» 9-12.03.2016 Aktobe, RK, S. Baishev University and Orenburg State Agrarian University
  7. Certificate for participation in the seminar on «Жаңа білім беру мен аттестациялық технологияларда тестілік формалардың қолданылуы» 10-19.02.2016,      Aktobe, RK, S. Baishev University
  8. Certificate for passing a training seminar on the topic «Теоретические и законодательные основы инклюзивного образования» 11.17– 01.12.17 Оrenburg-Акtobе
  9. Certificate for participation in the seminar on “English in Mass Media”N&T Consulting Company 11.12.17-23.12.17., г. Аlmaty.
  10. EDU Stream “The Place of the Old in the Brave New World”. 25 November 2020.
  11. Certificate for participation in the seminar on “Актуальные проблемы преподавания английского языка в условиях обновленного содержания образования”, Nur-Sultan. 9-30.10.2020.
  12. Certificate for participation in the seminar on “Электронная кружковая работа в общеобразовательных организациях: проблемы, результаты и перспективы внедрения», June 20, 2019 held on Bashkir State Pedagogical University.
  13. Macmillan seminar. ELT Upgrade: Practices and innovations with skillful. 10.2018. Macmillan education.
  14. Certificate for participation in the republican online seminar held by «EAGI-bilim» at the Eurasian Institute of Humanities on the topic  “Цифровизация в учебном процессе”. Astana, ЕАГИ – Білім. ЕАГИ, 22.10-3.11, 2018.
  15. Training completion Certification. Elsevier training for Science direct and Scopus solution. 17 October 2018.