Talapker 2021

В Евразийском гуманитарном институте создана виртуальная приемная комиссия для консультаций с открытым доступом через ZOOM (режим работы 9.00-18.00), пройдите по ссылке:

Cсылка на ZOOM

Дополнительные ссылки:

Код доступа: b1J1Gu
Алимбаев Аслан Есемканович

Код доступа: 1
Мустакова Айгуль Жексенбаевна

Код доступа: Zkg4QT
Кайролла Раушан Габиткызы

Код доступа: Hi8kh6
Байтурина Улжан Кабиевна

Код доступа: E3WaSy
Хасилан Фариза

Код доступа: qLV7hQ
Болатбекова Назгуль Жоламановна

Welcome to the Eurasian Humanities Institute!

The Eurasian Humanities Institute (EAGI) is an intellectual and educational centre of the capital, one of the leading Institutes on meeting the demands of the society and the state in training the highly qualified staff needed on the labour market and possessing professional competences, innovated approachesand researching skills.

EAGI was founded in 1995 and today it is one of the best non-state higher educational establishments of the country.

The main direction of the Institute activities is training of competent specialists, competitive in modern conditions of the professional activity.

Learning in EAGI gives an opportunity to get a prestigious and popular education on full-time training (on the base of the secondary and technical and vocational education), and also on the full-time remote form of learning (on the base of technical, vocational, and higher education) on the following directions of training the staff of the baccalaureate:

6В011 — «Pedagogy and Psychology» (Pedagogy and Psychology)

6В012 — «Pedagogy of Pre-school Education and Teaching» (Pre-school teaching and education)

6В013 — «Training of Teacher swith out Subject Specialization» (Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Teaching)

6В016 — «Training of Teachers on Humanities Subjects» (History)

6В017 — «Training of Teachers in Languages and Literature» (The Kazakh Language and literature)

6В017 — «Training of Teachers in Languages and Literature» (Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages)

6В023 — «Languages and Literature» (Translation/Interpretation Studies)

6В041 — «Business and Management» (Finance)

6В042 — «Law» (Jurisprudence)

On all directions the opportunity of the in-depth study of a foreign language is provided.

Admission rules

For full familiarization with the rules of admission to EAGI you can refer to: http://eagi.tilda.ws/

Online-registration «Talapker-2020»

On all the questions of interest you can contact the selection committee of the Institute:

+7 (7172) 56-22-00+7 771-691-90-43

e-mail: eagi.admission@mail.ru