Round table, devoted to the 175-th anniversary of Abay

On 28-thApril 2020 under the leadership of the Master of Philosophy, the senior teacher Abylhanova B.K. groups Ик-18-01, ҚТӘ-18-01 held an open webinar in the form of the round table on the theme: «Абай Құнанбаевтың педагогикалық, ағартушылық, философиялық көзқарастары».

They discussed pedagogical, enlightening and philosophic views of Abay Kunanbayev. The discussion was full and deep. The reports were made by the students-historians: Merghen Adihan, Ashubasarov Yerlan, Umarov Tuilubek. They made a full analysis of Abay’sWords of Edification. Therewasinvited the teacher of the ENU Department of Philosophy , the doctoral student of the second course of sociology Makimbayeva Zh.M. What is more important is that the students recited Abay’s  favourite poems, and the student Umarov Tuluybek recited his own poems.