Republican on-line action “The Hour of Integrity” took place in the Eurasian Humanities Institute

On 1 September 2020 the students of the Eurasian Humanities institute took part in the uniform republican on-line lecture “The Hour of Integrity” on the theme: “Khodzha Akhmed Yassavy: on the way to justice”, organized by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the counteraction to corruption.

The leader of the nation N.A. Nazrbayev marked that the spiritual heritage of Kh. A. Yassavy determined the system of spiritual knowledge of the whole Central Asia, in particular, Kazakhstan and all other Turkic states.

The aim of the event is the formation of the common human values of the student youth, education of the principles of honesty, integrity and improvement of the general level of culture. In the offered video-film the students faced the spiritual heritage of Khodzha Akhmed Yassavy, that is full of such general human and moral values as: justice, kindness, prudence and what is more important- honesty.

In the course of the on-line lecture there were explained principles of justice of a great thinker of the Turan steppe of the XII –th century Khodzha Akhmed Yassavy. It was underlined that the role of Yassavy in the development of the Turkic world was undeniable. His heritage played a great role in the formation of the friendly relations among the Turkic states.