Teaching staff


Bekenova Gulnar Shiyapkyzy

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philological Science
Scientific, academic title: Docent  
Education: the Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State Institute, 1989, specialty: the Kazakh Language and Literature. In 2000 she defended the Candidate Dissertation on specilaty: 10.02.02 – “the Kazakh Language”.
Awards: The diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK; the Badge of the Kazakh Academy of Education “Pedagogue-Innovator”; the Gratitude Letter of the Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number –25, including:

  1. Қазіргі қазақ тілінен (фонетика, лексика). – Educational test. — Astana, 2012 (the co-author: А.Е. Abdrakhmanova).
  2. С.Мұқанов поэзиясындағы фразеологизмдердің қолданылу сипаты // Materials of the International scientific-practical “S. Mukanov is the outstanding personality in the world of literature and culture”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of S. Mukanov. — Petropavlovsk, 2015. — P.95-100.
  3. Тіл орталықтарын аккредиттеу стандарттары мен критерийлері. Жетекші құрал. – Astana: Academy of Business “Isker”, 2012. – 20 p. (with the co-authors: K. K. Sarekenova, R. Abilkhamitkyzy).
  4. Тіл оқыту орталықтары: қалыптасуы мен дамуы, нарықтағы қызметі. Әлеуметтік және аналитикалық зерттеулер. – Astana: Academy of Business “Isker”, 2012. – 187 p. (with the co-authors: A.M.Abassilov, A.E.Zhussipov).
  5. Тіл орталықтарын аккредиттеу жүйесінің әдіснамасы. – Astana: Academy of Business “Isker”, 2012.  – 33 p. (with the co-authors: Zh.А. Zhakypov, А.B. Bekenova).

Field of scientific researches: linguistics, lexicology of modern Kazakh language, toponymy.
Professional achievements:
2011 — Certificate for participating at courses of improvement of qualification «Оқытудың инновациялық тәсілдері»,  Astana, “Zerde training center”;
2012 – Certificate for participating at the lectures:  «Түбіртек (архесиллаб) теориясының маңызы және оның болашағы», «Көне түркі жазба ескерткіштерін зерттеудің жаңа әдістері мен тәсілдері», «Көне түркі жазба ескерткіштерінде ұшырасатын ғибрат-тағлымы мол әңгімелер» of the Turkish Academy of the MES of RK ҚР БҒМ;
2012 — Certificate for participating at the seminar  «Ritotics– Oratory – Speech», “Parasat” centre for Humanitarian research, the Kazakhstan Institute of research;
2014 — Certificate for participating at the international Symposium  «Түркі дүниесі: рухани мұра және бүгінгі мәдениет»,  the L.N.Gumilyov ENU;
2015 – Certificate for participating at the Republican scientific-practical conference  «Гуманитарлық және әлеуметтік ғылымдардың қазіргі мәселелері»,  Astana, EAGI.

Nurbanova Aigul Kissapkyzy

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Philological Science
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: the Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, 2004, speciality: the Kazakh Language and Literature. In 2006 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6N0205 – “Philology: Kazakh Philology”.
Awards: the Diploma «the Best Curator of the year 2015».
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works:

  1. Түркітанудағы шырай категориясы проблемасы// Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern socio-humanitarian education: state, problems, prospects”. – Astana, 2010. – 354 p.
  2. Үстеудің сөзжасамдық бірліктері // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “The education system of Kazakhstan: history and modernity”. – Astana, 2011. — P.276-277.
  3. Жай шырай дегеніміз не? //Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. №1-2. 2014. P.309-313.
  4. Қазақ тіліндегі сын есімнің шырай категориясы. Educational Aid. – Astana, 2014. – 88 p.
  5. Етіс – етістіктің ерекше категориясы // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. – Astana, EAGI. №3-4, 2014.
  6. Етіс жұрнақтарының семантикалық сипаты// Proceeding of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Humanities and Social Science”. – Astana, 2015.

Field of scientific researches: linguistics, morphology of modern Kazakh language.
Professional achievements:
2011 — Certificate for participating at the seminar “Language as a source for studying the earliest stages of the history of the Turkic peoples on the theme”;
2011 — Certificate for participating at the courses “Innovative Teaching methods”, “Zerde” training center, Astana;
2015 – Certificate for participating at the seminar “Modern problems of Humanities and Social Science, international scientific-practical conference, EAGI, Astana.

Rainbekova Gulmira Sailaubaikyzy

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Science
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: the Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2008, specialty: the Kazakh Language and Literature. In 2015 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6M011700 – “the Kazakh Language and Literature”.
The disciplines taught: the Kazakh Language, Professional Kazakh Language, Practical Kazakh Language.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works:

  1. С.Мұқанов шығармаларындағы теңеулердің эмоционалды-экспрессивті сипаты// Materials of the International scientifically-practical conference “Literature and culture of the Turkic peoples in the context of East-West”. – Kazan, 2014. P. 538-541.
  2. С.Мұқанов стилі: құрамалас сөйлемдердің қолданылу ерекшелігі // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. The scientific journal. No. 1-2 2014. – P.242-245.
  3. Абай танымындағы «Адам» мәселесі// Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference “C.Donentaev heritage: knowledge and traditions”.– Pavlodar, 2015.
  4. Фразеологиялық коннатацияның стилистикалық ерекшеліктері (С.Мұқанов шығармалары негізінде)// Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Sabit Mukanov is a bright personality in the world of literature and culture”. – Petropavlovsk. – P.179-182.
  5. Дамыта оқыту – оқытудың тиімді әдісі// Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Social and Humanitarian Science”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. – EAGI. – Astana, 2015 (with the co-author: A.B. Shormakova). — P.198-205.
  6. Anthropologist, [The] ISSN: 0972-0073 Impact Factor (2014): 0.222 Scimago Journal Ranking (2013): 5,451 Hirsh Index: 282 Availability: 1999-present See more journals in Social Sciences. – 2015.
  7. Ақын Светқали Нұржан лирикасының көркемдік ерекшелігі // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education (No. 4, 2015). — Astana, EAGI, 208 p. (with the co-author: Zh.O.Mambetov).

Field of scientific researches: Linguistics, stylistic peculiarities of fictions.
Professional achievements:
2014 — Certificate for participating at the seminar “OratoryArt as a component of professional growth”, the Center of psychological counseling and Personality development, Astana;
2014 — Certificate for participating at the scientific-methodological seminar “Modern methods of innovative technologies”, the Research Institute of Research projects, the Center of personality development and languages “Sana”, Astana;
2014 — Certificate for participating at the Elsevier Author Seminar  «How to Get Published in Scientific Journals» Turkey, Iran, Middle East and Central Asia;
2014 — Certificate for participating at the seminar  Scientific Training Course in Kazakh Language and Literature at Istanbul European Institute Istanbul Turkey.

Sandybayeva Aigul Talgatovna

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Philological Science
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2009, specialty: the Kazakh Language and Literature. In 2011 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6M011700 – “the Kazakh Language and Literature”.
Awards: the Diploma “the Best Curator of the year 2014”
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number –15, including:

  1. Көп мағыналы сөздердің семантикалық құрылымы// Proceedings of the International scientific-theoretical conference “the Kazakh lexicography: history, experience, prospects”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Myrzabergen Malbakov. – 2015. — P.289-292.
  2. Сөздің лексикалық мағынасының құрылымы// Scientific journal “Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. No. 2, 2015. — P. 160-165.
  3. Іс-әрекет субъектісі (ғылыми дискурс негізінде). – Educational Aid. – Astana, 2014.
  4. The category of subject on scientific discourses// Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Science in the modern world: theory and practice”. – Basra, Ufa, Russia, 2013.- P.105-110.
  5. Ғылыми дискурстағы аргументтелу// Proceedings of the Republican scientific-theoretical conference “the Kazakh language – a spiritual core” dedicated to 75th anniversary of Academician of NAS RK, Doctor of Philology Science, Professor M.S. Sergaliev. – Astana, 2013. — P.251-253.
  6. Derivational processes in the Russian language through the prism of derivational nests// Proceedings of the XV all-Russian scientific-theoretical conference “Language and world culture: the view of young researchers”. Section №1. – Tomsk, Russia, 2015.

Field of scientific researches: linguistics, psycholinguistics
Professional achievements:
2011 — Certificate for participating at the seminar “Language as a source for studying the earliest stages of the history of the Turkic peoples”, the Turkic Academy;
2012 — Certificate for participating at the lectures «Түбіртек (архесиллаб) теориясының маңызы және оның болашағы», «Көне түркі жазба ескерткіштерін зерттеудің жаңа әдістері мен тәсілдері», «Көне түркі жазба ескерткіштерінде ұшырасатын ғибрат-тағлымы мол әңгімелер», the Turkic Academy;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training seminar “Preparation of the self-evaluation report of the University within institucional and specialized accreditation”, the Independent Kazakhstan Agency on ensuring quality in education.

Shadieva Nurgul Khamzakhankyzy

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Phedagogical Science
Scientific, academic title: Docent  
Education: the Almaty State University named after Abay, 1996, specialty: the Kazakh Language and Literature. In 2003 she defended the Candidate Dissertation on specialty: 13.00.02 – “Methodology of Teaching the Kazakh Language”.
Awards: the Honorable Diploma for contribution to development of EAGI, qalitative work on training professional specialists and active participation in educating young generation (2015).
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number –32, including:

  1. Тұрақты тіркестер// the education and psychological journal “Education of children”. – 2006, №11-(23). — P.36-38.
  2. Лексиканы оқытуда оқушыларға тілдер туыстығын тануға тәрбиелеу// Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of teaching the Kazakh language and literature in the educational globalization”. — Semey, 2006. — P.338-340.
  3. Мемлекеттік тілді деңгейлік оқыту жүйесі// The journal “the Kazakh language lessons”. — Astana, 2007. — P.10-13.
  4. Мемлекеттік тілді деңгейлік оқыту жүйесі. — Astana, 2007. — 140 p.
  5. Қазақ тілі сабағында оқушылардың психологиялық ерекшелігін ескеру// Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Humanities and Social Science”. – Astana, 2015. — P.201-205.

Field of scientific researches: Methodology of Teaching the Kazakh Language, Innovative Technologies in Teaching the Kazakh Language.

Professional achievements:
2014 — Certificate for participating at the seminar “Innovative teaching of Kazakh adult population as a second language methods and techniques and the role of KazTest in the assessment of language knowledge “;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training program for teachers on the subject “the Kazakh language” in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan,160 academic hours;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training seminar for teachers “the Introduction of criteria-based assessment in the linguistic subjects” in the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 40 academic hours;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training seminar “Preparation of the self-evaluation report of the University within institucional and specialized accreditation”, the Independent Kazakhstan Agency on ensuring quality in education.

Shormakova Aizhan Botankyzy

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Science
Scientific, academic title: Docent  
Education: the Almaty State University named after Abay, 1998, specialty: the Kazakh Language and the Azerbaijan Language”. In 2000 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: “the Kazakh Language and Literature”. In 2010 she defended the Candidate Dissertation on specilaty: 13.00.02 – “Theory and Methodology of Education and Training”.
Awards: the Diploma “the Best Curator of the year 2014”, the 1st place Diploma for the taken in the family competition “Tolagay” in the “Kazakhstan” Republican Corporation JSC national TV channel “Kazakhstan” (2014), the Honorable Diploma for contribution to development of EAGI, qalitative work on training professional specialists and active participation in educating young generation (2015).
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number –30, including:

  1. Қошке Кемеңгерұлының ғылыми және шығармашылық мұрасының зерттелу тарихы// Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. — №3-4. Astana, 2013. — P.194-200.
  2. Қ.Кемеңгерұлы еңбектеріндегі сөзжасамды оқыту мәселесі// the scientific journal “Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education”. – №1-2. 2014. – P.248-254.
  3. Қошке Кемеңгерұлының әдістемелік мұрасы: Monograph. – EAGI. – Astana, 2014. – 193 p.
  4. Бacтaуыш сыныпта қaзaқ тілін дaмытa oқытудың мaңызы// Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Social and Humanitarian Science” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. – EAGI. – Astana, 2015. — P.51-55.
  5. Бастауыш сыныпта халық ауыз әдебиеті үлгілерін оқытудың әдіс-тәсілдері// Scientific journal “Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education”. – No. 2. 2015.- P.160-165 (with co-author: K.K.Abdenova).

Field of scientific researches: methods of teaching the Russian language, history of methods of teaching the Kazakh language.
Professional achievements:
2014 — Certificate for participating at the training seminar “Oratory – a component of professional growth”;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training program for teachers on the subject “the Kazakh language” in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan,160 academic hours;
2015 — Certificate for participating at the training seminar for teachers “the Introduction of criteria-based assessment in the linguistic subjects” in the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 40 academic hours.