About the new methods of assessment in school education

On 18 March within the framework of the discipline “Technology of the criteria assessment” in groups «ПП 17-01» and «History 17-01» the leadership of the Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent of the Department of Pedagogy Izdeleuova Akmaral Bakytzhanovna there was held the master-class devoted to the organization of the summative and formative assessment in the secondary general education school.

T master-class was held with the assistance of the teacher of informatics of school-lyceum No. 60 of Astana city, the student of the part-time department of the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” Ahmet Saule Zhantuarkyzy.

The students got acquainted with the criteria of assessment at the lessons of informatics in a primary school, with the methods of the children’s formation of critical thinking and the methods of reflection during the process of training. The class aroused great interest of the students and allowed developing practical skills with the instruments of assessment.